Abbott suppliers are required to read and agree to our supplier guidelines (English), which describe expectations for the following:
It is a part of our mission of being a socially responsible company to evaluate new and existing suppliers. We evaluate their ability to provide safe working conditions and respectfully treat independent contractors, as well as maintain ethical practices, environmentally responsible manufacturing processes and excellent management systems.
For more information about our Supplier Social Responsibility Program, see our FAQs our disclosure for California Transparency in Supply Chains Act or contact
Prospective suppliers (non-diverse), may submit company information to Include your line of business in the subject line.
NOTE: Diverse Suppliers: click here for mailbox for diverse suppliers.
We’ve established criteria for measuring the performance of the suppliers that have the greatest impact on our business. Performance monitoring, as described in the Supplier Performance Program brochure, is conducted for this group of suppliers.
Our operating procedures for interactions with healthcare professionals and customers in the United States are intended as a reference guide to assist suppliers in complying with our operating procedures for program funding when performing functions on our behalf. The division ethics and compliance officer must pre-approve any exception to these procedures.
These procedures are effective January 1, 2013.
For U.S. purchase orders, Terms & Conditions (T&C) applicable for material terms and conditions and service terms and conditions shall apply to all transactions in which Abbott is the purchaser. If a separate agreement between Abbott and Supplier exists, the T&Cs set forth in such written agreement shall control in respect to any conflicting PO T&Cs. Please see the U.S. P.O. supplier notes document for additional information.
In 2014, we purchased an estimated $10 billion in goods and services from more than 22,000 suppliers worldwide. The types of goods and services we purchase include:
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